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Snow. Electricity. Lemonade. End of year proposal.

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Hello. So I have a power outage right now and given lemons, I figured I'd try and make some lemonade.

So here's the thing, it's a beautiful, I should've been a photographer actually, I think in another life. Um, it's absolutely gorgeous out here. Power out aside. It's absolutely gorgeous. So anyway, my entire business is built around making my clients more money. That's it. I use systems in order to help that happen and get people up and going in a digital basis so that it actually works out really well now and into the future. There's two ways of doing it. Basically the organic approach, which is kind of like the slow, methodical, snowball coming down the mountain. Um, you know, it gets, gets bigger and bigger, and then there's the faster way, which is advertising. Uh, there's systems for both of those and they work really, really well. Uh, so here's the thing. It's beginning of the month. It's a nice, beautiful day for me anyway. And what I like to do is have the opportunity to prove this to you.

So with this, if you're watching this video, I'm sending you a specific opportunity. I want to prove this to you. I want to prove that my company can actually work this out and make this happen for you. So first month free, right? Depending on your business, that can be several hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars a first month free and no contract. All right? And just your word that you're going to stick it out for an additional three months to make sure that this happens. So if that is at all appealing to you, just let me know. If this is like no way appealing to you to say, Hey, you know what, Eric, listen, this isn't for me. I have no interest, just unsubscribe, hit, let me know I'm done. Don't contact me anymore. And you know, we'll call it a day. But would it be crazy to give it a shot? I mean, you know, it's, it's an opportunity really to T take it to the next level. I mean, is that something that you'd be willing, really worth trying and be worth doing? I think it would be you known if you're serious about your business, is everybody needs to get involved with the digital aspect. If you're truly serious about this and you really want to make something happen for your business, I highly suggest that you do. Thanks much.